Wednesday 12 November 2014

Kronos (Original Soundtrack) - (1957)

Great, eery soundtrack from  Paul Sawtell and Bert Shefter. As it's fifties sci-fi you can probably guess the styleAsteroid, Part One

Please do not play just before bedtime.  I will not be held responsible for any nightmares...

Thanks to David.


I-FE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MAXI said...


Armpit Studios said...

Neat movie!

Armpit Studios said...

Ack. Got it, finally. Mega doesn't seem to like Safari. Switched to Chrome and it worked. Have I mentioned how much I hate Mega? :)

Fabien said...

Merci beaucoup!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, old sci fi soundtracks...

coppinsuk said...


May I thank you for all your hard work and dedication in posting all the beautiful music during 2014.

It is very much appreciated.

All the very best for the Festive Season and in 2015.


Douglas (UK)

Muff Diver said...

I never saw the film, but I do love these sounds. Thanks for posting this up I-FE, and Happy New Year!

Pravin Dwivedi said...

nice blog and content

William said...

Link gone very fast...

I-FE said...

I know! Here's another, grab it while you can.!NmoRiabA!G-vKHvyBzuFUxpaZ6H2B2CN0BXbbEc3GH69-pdLpo3E

I-FE said...

Wow, that new link didn't last long either, here's another:

Atomic_Scout said...

Drats...looks like I missed this one...

I-FE said...

Be quick! Looks like this is one of those that gets taken down within hours.

mmatt said...

yay, Kronos still lives!

Thanks muchly