Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas With Mantovani

This'll be the last one from me before Christmas, so I hope you and yours have a good one.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Rene Armand - Cocktail Piano (1970)

Great little album this.  The tracks run in to each other so I've just recorded it as two tracks; side one and side two.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1978)

I've wanted to post this for a while (a good couple of years) but I've been searching for another copy as this one, unfortunately, is a little sad.  I bought it at the time and for some reason didn't look after it as much as I should.  I've given up getting a better copy, so I thought I'd post as is, so apologies for the surface noise, etc.

Side one is standard fare, nice enough.  Side two is unusual though as they are self-penned tracks from the producer and others and are pretty cool (if dated) ambient sounding affairs.

EDIT:  Thanks to Brian for cleaning my original files.  There are now new links to the cleaned version and I recommend you grabbing those.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Christmas With Ronnie Aldrich (1964)

Had a couple of requests for this although the original link still seems OK.  Bit scratchy.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Dave Pike - Jazz For The Jet Set (1966)

Apologies once again for the lack of posts.  Sometimes life gets in the way of the fun stuff.

I'll catch up on the repost requests when I get chance.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Johnny Harris - All To Bring You Morning (1973)

I recently dug my vinyl copy out, but unfortunately it was too warped to record.  I don't normally post CDs but I didn't have much choice as I've wanted to post this for a while.

It's a brilliant album from Johnny Harris and a classic along side his 1970 album, Movements.  This album features members of Yes and Chris Spedding too; a real session musicians who's who.

Sadly, now out of print on CD, so if you ever see a copy I would buy it.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Quincy Jones - Plays Hip Hits (1963)

Wonderful album.  Perfect for my Saturday night.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Brasilia Nueve - How Insensitive (1967)

One of my absolute favourite albums and a truly remarkable lineup of New York's finest including Bill Potts and Zoot Sims.  Mine is a mono copy and I've been looking for a stereo copy for years, so if you have one, let me know.

Here's a Bill Potts' original, Brasilville.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Franck Pourcel - Americano Latino (1965)

Apologies for the lack of posts, been away.  Had a lovely time but disappointingly didn't get any records, which is unusual.

Nevermind.  This will get me back in the swing of things.  A lovely early S2S record which they tried to make all exotic for the mid-60s record buying public by adding the letter "O" to the end of every word.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Friday, 2 August 2013

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Henry Mancini - The Best Of Henry Mancini (1964)

A classic to end the weekend.  Lujon.

In glorious mono.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Pepe Jaramillo - Tequila Cocktail (1971)

Apologies in advance as this is a little crackly in places, but it's worth it.

Tequila Cocktail

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Great Western Film Themes Collection

Excellent collection of western themes.  The majority of tracks on this double LP are from the original soundtracks, but there are a few re-recordings most notably the Leroy Holmes Morricone recordings.

Jerry Goldsmith - The Hour Of The Gun

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Johnny Harris - Bloomfield (1971)

I've had a few requests to repost this so here it is.

The Loner

Monday, 24 June 2013

Si Zentner & His Orchestra - Desafinado (1962)

Apologies once again for lack of posts.  Hopefully, I'll get back on track now.

Bernie's Tune

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Easy Project - 20 Loungecore Favourites (1996)

Apologies for the lack of posts.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.

Mucho Mexico Seven-0

Saturday, 30 March 2013